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Between Kandivali & Parle

India has many opinion givers. The most sought-after, ironically for a country whose major population lives in discomfort, are those who are usually comfortably seated. From an anchor's chair in an air-conditioned studio or from a cool AC office or home. 

Here cometh me, seated in a second class local running on the Western Line between Kandivali and Vile Parle stations (now that we are sort of acquainted, the next time you see the name of this station, just called it 'Parla') - to college and back home. 

20 minutes either ways, and that's the time during which I used to  do nothing very consequential. Giving an opinion on a regular basis, on things happening around our country, I think, sounds like a great proposition.  So here we are: Between Kandivali and Parle!

Part One: Elphinstone Road Stampede

Part Two: 20 Western Railway Staffers Flunk: Are We 'On Track'?

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