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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

When I write.....

  MY  WORLD..........

 When I write.....

                                  When I write....or rather type, I feel a sense of pleasure in me. When I read I feel I'm devouring a tasty meal. But when I do none, I'm bored.
 Books have always been my treasure. After my parents, of course, I've learnt from them. I've not only sat for hours and read, but also have enjoyed reading. I always have prefered reading suspense, comic and fiction to biographies, autobiographies and short tales. From these books I've learnt to respect and appreciate every aspect of life. For instance, in the instant age, when I read a Harry Potter, and read the way he is treated when with his uncle and aunt, and when James' aunt 'petrifies' him, I am so grateful for the life God has gifted me. After reading an Archies' comic book I learn to laugh a bit, smile a bit! I relate the characters to my life. The way Archie plays tricks, how Reggie pulls tricks on all, how Veronica is spoilt, Betty's simplicity and Jugheads' loyalty to Archie and his foody habits (just like me!He's my favourite character. When I read a Malgudi or a Ruskin Bond or a Dahl, I miss the lovely life in different places. When I read a Sherlock Holmes, I begin to think! I love the way Mr. Dahl composed his 'Matilda' and 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory'. When I read a Romeo and Juliet, or a Hamlet, or the Merchant of Venice, I learn how 'they' sacrificed for love, for friendship, for revenge!
                This is an usual affair, there is one library period per week, where we issue a book and return it within a week. Last week, we had a project week and we had to return the book, but we couldn't issue one due to the project week. I had issued a 'Harry Potter- The Chamber of Secrets'. I enjoyed it but couldn't finish reading it as I was a bit busy for the projects. When I had to return it, I was in two minds, but for some reason I gave the book away! I regretted it! I was angry with me! Why did I do it? I could've paid the fine. I will definitely get to read it again but what now? I cannot wait to get the book back, read it! I tried at the bookstore but didn't get the book. I instead borrowed an Archies. I was lucky I got it or it would be a nightmare for me!
                I always enjoy devouring these meals. These meals have given me a medium to write these articles and poems. I've always had this urge to write about the events in my life, my thoughts, ideas and feelings. I.m highly possessive, always with my articles, and especially my poems and rhymes. I have always wanted to write a book and may it be read by millions through out the globe. I am also grateful to Blogger to give me an opportunity to let my articles be read. Also, when I write, I do not stop, I write, and I write as much as I can... I look around a lot while I write, thinking and grasping ideas from everywhere. It's a natural rhythm, a natural spell! I never get bored, never stop. Its a wonderful, pleasant, pleasure-giving spell... It relaxes me.
                But, lately, my pleasure of writing has become my passion of blogging. Even when I type now(now, means as I type now), its amazing, that even the 'prediction' on my tab identifies my 'passion of blogging. It's definitely better than a magazine(though, magazines may have a distinct hard copy) as even if not a hard copy, I get recognization on The INTERNET!!!
                I've been typing this article over a couple of days, so, now, today I finally got to read the ' Chamber of Secrets', though I was not able to finish the book completely(and not yet satisfied), I was relieved! Because, finally I got to read it!
                And here I conclude, when I read, when I write at most content fills within me and I go to another level, when I do none its a long, lonely travel!!!

                                  -By Shahen Pardiwala

©Shahen Pardiwala. All Rights Reserved.

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